<aside> 💡 Hello! I’m Jon, and I’m looking for a wife! I’d love to find a nuanced thinker to have adventures, create and raise a kid or two, and conduct a 50 year conversation that never stops being interesting. If that might be you, and the description below sounds intriguing, get in touch!


<aside> 🎂 38 📏 6’2”📍LES/NYC 👶 No kids yet but excited to have some with the right woman!


Table of Contents

Questions I’m likely to ask you on a first date

I’m not much for small talk; here’s a sampling of the kind of thing I’ll want to talk about if we go on a date.

What’s your heresy? Or put differently, what’s an opinion you hold that a community you consider yourself a member of would consider anathema?

When’s the last time you changed your mind about something important?

What’s something you’re an expert in? Like top 1% globally?

If you were empress of NYC for a day, what change or policy would you enact to make it a better city for the next 100 years? Think about actual policy levers, not magic-wand sorts of things.

Tell me a story about a trip you took that taught you most about yourself (or reality)

Who are your heroes? Who do you routinely read/pay attention to?

What do you aspire to?

Things I’ve accomplished (roughly chronologically)

spelling bee.png

Me (second from right) coordinating with local counterparts.

Me (second from right) coordinating with local counterparts.








Attributes/Things that I am